5. jun. 2018

Talk of the Town - tekst af Jack Johnson

Jeg kan godt lide at lytte til musik, og kan da også til nøds synge med på nogle af tidens store radio-plager. Men ... hvis ikke teksten er god, så hænger sangen heller ikke ved. Teksten skal ville noget [og så foretrækker jeg altså "håndspillet" musik fremfor elektronisk].

En af de sangskriver der vil noget med sine tekster, er Jack Johnson. Og de sange han har skrevet til Peter Pedal filmen, er ret gode til at danne billeder. Læs selv med her:

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I want to be where the talk of the town
Is about last night when the sun went down
And the trees all dance
And the warm wind blows in that same old sound

And the water below gives a gift to the sky
And the clouds give back every time they cry
And make the grass grow green beneath my toes
And if the sun comes out
I'll paint a picture all about
The colors I've been dreaming of
The hours just don't seem enough
To put it all together
Maybe it's as strange as it seems

And the trouble I find is that the trouble finds me
It's a part of my mind it begins with a dream
And a feeling I get when I look and I see
That this world is a puzzle, I'll find all of the pieces
And put it all together, and then I'll rearrange it
I'll follow it forever
Always be as strange as it seems

Nobody ever told me not to try

And the water below gives a gift to the sky
And the clouds give back every time they cry
And make the grass grow green beneath my toes
And if the sun comes out
I'm going to paint a picture all about
The colors I've been dreaming of
The hours just don't seem enough
To put it all together
Always be as strange as it seems

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Jeg elsker at synge med på denne sang - og få alle ordene, betoningerne og sprogbillederne med ... Det er med til at løfte humøret, for denne tekst er da kun til at blive glad i låget af.



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